Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visualization of concepts

Visualization of Concepts

1. Describe your concept/idea in one word.
Magic Cube

2. Describe your concept/idea in one sentence.
Visualize the concept of success with the help of a magic cube

3. Describe your concept/idea in a few sentences / one paragraph.
To present the abstract concept of success on a magic box. The success of 6 different kinds of actors is presented on the six faces of the magic cube, with 4 pictures on each. The three pictures where three faces of the cube connect have internal relationship.

1. The basic visualization tool.

2. My hand-made model before visualization.

The 24 pictures on the magic cube (4 pictures each face, 6 faces) (the numbers of the pictures are according to the model magic cube)

Final work of art:

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