Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visual Self Presentation

Visual Self Presentation

1. Describe your concept/idea in one word.
2. Describe your concept/idea in one sentence.
A journey from a child to a graduate student.
3. Describe your concept/idea in a few sentences / one paragraph.
It’s a journey from a child to a graduate student. It’s a transformational process from constrained uniformity to released individuality. To realize the transformation, great efforts
are taken in the process. Finally I get a new life outside the container.

Study! No play!
Beginning of the journey – I was urged to study hard under the supervision of my Mom, while my friends are playing, watching TV, and drawing. My extra-curricular interests were not fully developed.

In China, students are taught to behave in uniform. Individualism is not encouraged. Students dress the same, talk the same, and think the same.

Locked freedom and creativity
Under this family and education background, my freedom and creativity are locked. I’m crying sadly because of that. But no way!

College entrance examination
To enter a good college in China, high school students have to study really hard. Numerous high school students have to pass the narrow bridge surrounded by torrents and steep mountains to reach their dream. But once they succeed, they experience differences from villages to metrapolitans. They believe bright future is not far away.

Not that!
But the reality is always cruel. As too many college students graduate every year, the job market faces great pressure to satisfy every student. In suffer, I finally decided to take another path toward future.

Hard process
I decided to go on further study in the USA. For dream, I experienced a long and difficult process. The aim: Emerson College.

Happily and rewardingly, I was admitted! See, here’s my ID ☺

Expression necessary to evolution
Here, I find what I’ve lost for long – expression, freedom, individuality, and passion! I shout them out.

New world, new life.
I get a new life outside the container, shining.

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